WAOO, is a fibernet provider for among others: Gamers! And it turns out that constant gaming can be a real relationship killer. Data reveals that 25% of men and 17% of women have thought about breaking up with their partner because of online gaming-related arguments.
WAOO decided to launch a murderous service to keep the relationships alive.
LoveSquad is a virtual hitman service where frustrated and neglected spouses can order a hit on their gaming obsessed partner in three of the most popular titles: GTA5 Online, Fortnite and Call of Duty Vanguard. They assembled a killsquad of the most skilled professional gamers to do the dirty work.
My assignment was to illustrate the universe and create 5 different characters from these games as
avatars for the professional gamers doing the killing. Pure fun :-)

Illustration: Ole Rydal
Agency: Uncle Grey